Well,since this is my first blog,i will try making it as simple as possible and don't expect there will be perfect english here.Let's talk about The Angles and The Devils that i knew in my past 20years.
When i was still studying in SMK Subang Utama,i met a guy named Tan Zhong Zheng.We became good friends since form2.Here is his friendster link
http://profiles.friendster.com/11902398Let's talk about the bad stuffs we did back then.The only thing i remembered doing with him is sneaking into a mamak restaurant and asked the guy sitting at the cashier for a box of 'mildseven',which is the cheapest among all.Then we quickly cycled to a park nearby where there is usually no one and start exploring the box of cigarette.As a first timer,we don't even know the proper way of smoking,but who cares??! It is just about showing the pose!!Eventually everything went smoothly until a few 'ah pek n obasan' saw us..Guess u guys can imagine what happened next.End up we threw the whole box of cigarette and cycled off(like a criminal).Besides,sometimes he will invite me to his house to watch some 'interesting' video clips.Well,we also enjoy cycling around while gossiping about others.Our furthest cycling record is to USJ20 where we actually wanted to find Evonne.About Evonne,i think i don't really feel like talking about her right now,so just forget about her at this moment.
Next is all my friends i met in Sunway,while i was studying alevels there.So,i shall intro them one by one like what Kevin did in his blog.The first person that leaves the deepest memory for me is Wong Chee Leong.Well,at first we don't really know this devil until me and Joo Hor joined them for dinner.Later on Joo Hor 'fong fei kei' and didn't join us anymore(kakak,all your fault!!).Eventually we even became roommates after a few months and there is the fun part!!Every morning i will get to see a zombie sitting on a chair eating his bread with his eyes half closed,that was quite amusing though.He is my walking alarm clock every morning and helps me alot in my studies too.Well,we always play DOTA together with Justin and Joo Hor.I always get scolded for doing stupid things,well,i can't do anything about it..He likes to play guitar although he sucks at it.I prefer Justin better.Oh yeah,he is a geng racist too!!Sometimes,we prefer staying in the room surfing net and sometimes watch some horror movies where we downloaded in Xsocam rather than talking to those indons housemate.End up scaring each other in the middle of the night.Kevin always say we are like 'gay' partners.Hmm,he missed the Pangkor trip the other holiday which made me a bit disappointed,but i am not GAY ok?? Just like missing a gang member only..shit,i don't have anything bad to talk about him,nevermind,postpone it for the time being..There is some pictures of my roommate :
That is my pose thou..(cetak rompak)
Secondly is the Tan's.Tan Joo Hor,Tan Sin Jiang and Tan Joo Khong.I met Joo Hor during orientation day and we started going out for dinner at first.He was one of those best buddies i ever had.He always helped me in my studies,Dota,problems,etc...The most important is he always keep me company when i was lonely(in Shah Alam).He will offered me a place to stay in his geng house!! Oh yeah,Jiang will always tease and chat with me though,at least i am not lonely anymore! wuahaha..And he never scold me in DOTA no matter how bad i played,not like cb Justin!! Go to hell la!!(ngek ngek)It is nice to be with Hor actually and he doesn't really have any bad habits compare to Chee Leong,Justin and Osmond.This is his holly picture :
Next is Justin,The Guitar Fucker.He can play guitar very well,even i am impressed with his skills.Justin is the worst kind of human in this world.He is not only 'giam siap',short,likes to take people's food,not responsible,likes to take advantage and always cb scold me noob(ngek ngek! tai nei sei meii!!).But since he is younger then me ,i shall forgive him la...haha..During a'levels,he always invaded our room and start making alot of noise,but sometimes it is quite fun to play with him.hoho..Let me show you his 'sui yong' sin :
Ahh,i am sohai!!
Argh,eat,eat,eat!!This is mine!
Last but not least is the indon,Kevin Osmond.Oh,this guy is worst than Justin.He likes to watch porn,say alot of rubbish,pervert,p-surfer and speaks bad english.However,he is a good friend who likes to help people and funny person.The reason why he can mix into our gang is because he is funny and always do stupid things.He likes to talk alot of nonsense which sometimes can make us burst to laughter.He is always late in any occasion,end up making everyone wait for him..He is an indon,but always criticized about his homeland..His favourites : Pork(the more the better),say F word,watch porn.Oh yeah,thanks for his 'creative' birthday card he made for me during my 19th birthday.Here is some of his gg pictures :
Wah,got food ar! not vege can liao!!

Ahh,ssong ar!!
Okay,that is all for the time being..