To me there is alot to say about friendship and i do cherish my friends a lot although i did not mentioned :"yea,cl,i cherish you a lot or Hor,you are my good friend or what"(of course that J too!!),but in fact they do play an important role to me in this past two years..I do remembered the times we went to FTZ and Asia Cafe where we get to play DOTA and eat tasty food together..Although i always get a lot of scoldings during the game,i am satisfied that at least i can mix with them..The KL trip plays an important role too..All five of us will be taking KTM and Monorail just to go there..Normally we will be going to a few place instead of one destination,that include Times Square,Sg.Wang,Pavilion,Lot10,Loyat Plaza and the guitar shop,where Justin will buy his guitar picks or try out some of the latest guitar model..I had a great time walking and talking with them,although we will feel exhausted after getting home..Hmm,is time to mention about my gg room mate,Chee Leong..Although sometimes i do feel that he is a bit weird,but most of the time he is my best friend..(aiyo,normal friend also become good friend la,everyday and night see your face!!)Haha..We used to walk to Orange,Pink or Medan for lunch and dinner together with Kevin and Justin(Hor got kakak!) Till now,i still can't forget the times where we used to laugh and smile together..Normally when one person moved to a new environment,they will meet new friends and kind of abandoned their old friends,but it is hard for me to forget about them..Although i am in MSU now,but my heart is always thinking about Sunway and that is the reason sometimes i am willing to go down just to meet them..Not to say that in Msu i can't get any new friends,but it is the friendship and experience i get in Sunway that always reminded me about my friends there..Sound kind of gay now!! Oops..
Oh yea, i do remember the 'evil place' we always go(Hor's hse)!! where i will be carry my gg laptop to his house and play DOTA for the whole night,end up we looked like a bunch of zombies walking back to our rooms around 4 or 5 in the morning..Hmm,i wished i had a house there..Oh,i nearly forget,i do have a nice terrace house near USJ 2,but now is occupied by some gg tenant which he and his family hopes to stay in my house for free without paying for a few months!! My dad and i used to be like a "Ah Long" which we will be knocking on his door asking for his rental..
Well,next is the Pangkor trip..Although Chee Leong didn't get to join us,but we still missed him during the journey..i still remember we messaged him along the journey..haha..When we arrived in Ipoh,i brought them to a restaurant,which is famous for they 'char kuey teow' and egg tarts,but i just don't understand why Justin says the food suck??!! haha..Later on,we get on a super old bus which it is the only bus from Ipoh to Lumut..My friends were complaining and cursing,but we had no other choices..After a hot and tiring bus journey to Pangkor Island,we finally reached the hotel..Although i thought it was a bit larger and more luxurious,but it turned out something like a motel..Damn it!! The pictures i saw online is much better!! Well,at the end we still managed to get three rooms..The hotel is facing the sea,where we quickly changed into our swimming attires and jumped into the water..That was fun though..Oh yea,i still remembered something happened in the bathroom,where i shared with David due to the rush of time..David geng arr!! Haha..That is the first time i saw somebody's *Tut* besides mine!! haha..As you know,i am the leader of this holy trip,so i have to plan everything..Luckily i get to manage everything well as i see my friends enjoying themselves..Oh yea,there is something happened at night too..As usual,we were playing and making noise in our room and suddenly a 'ang mo lang' came knocking at our door with a dulan face..He asked us to keep the volume down as they were trying to sleep!! Wow,how can?? We come here to enjoy man,not to sleep!! haha..anyway,we continued with what we are doing and abai him..That was the greatest trip i ever went and although it was just Pangkor,but i am relieved that my friends are enjoying themselves there..Sometimes looking at those pictures we took together really brings back a lot of memories and makes me laugh..
Lastly,i want to say thank you guys for what you have done for me and i do appreciate it..
Group photo..
Ok,this is some of their photos that i took last year..Enjoy!!
The only picture i got for Kevin in my laptop..
And most importantly is......